Sodienye Waboso Amajor, Gbene Beka

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Dienye Waboso Amajor is a Dora Nominated Nigerian Artist who lives and works in Ontario. Dienye currently spends her time as mother to two boys and a wife to a cool dude. In her spare time Dienye is pursuing a Master of Arts in Theatre and Performance studies at York University. Dienye is an advocate for the accurate research, documentation and portrayal of black history, black truths, and black lives in North America.

Dienye was Puck in Shakespeare in Action’s adaptation of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, Memory in Theatre Directs “Binti’s Journey”*,  Gigi in New Harlem’s production, “Gas girls”*, Beka in Volcano Theatre’s Africa Trilogy “ Shine your Eye”* Luminato, June 2010,  reprising her role as Beka in a Canstage/ Volcano theatre’s production of “Another Africa” Canstage 2011 and before motherhood descended Harriet Tubman in “The Power Of Harriet T” YPT 2015.